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Track Name

Sociocultural Anthropology 

Medical Anthropology 

Law, Politics, and Economics 

Short Name SCA MedAnth LPE
Total courses 9 9 9
# of required courses




# of elective courses 6 5 6

Required Courses¹

ANT 300
ANT 301
ANT 390

ANT 300
ANT 301
ONE foundational medical anthropology course
ONE human bio / bio-anthro course

ANT 300
ANT 301
ANT 390

Elective Courses¹

TWO 200-level
ONE 300-level
ONE 400-level
TWO any level


TWO Medical Anthropology and/or Science & Technology courses
ONE Medicine and Society course
TWO Anthropology courses on any subject

FOUR courses approved for LPE
TWO additional LPE or other Anthropology courses on any subject


Possible Cognates² 2 2 2

Senior Thesis Topic³

Any anthropological topic

Related to medical anthropology, broadly defined

Related to law, politics & economics, broadly defined

¹ See the webpage for each track for information on specific courses that apply to the required and elective course categories.

² Approval is required. The director of undergraduate studies approves cognates.

³ Senior thesis advisers approve students' methodological and theoretical approaches to their senior theses.

See pre-approved electives by track.