About Course Preapprovals for Anthropology Tracks
Courses that are pre-approved for the tracks in Medical Anthropology (MedAnth) and Law, Politics, and Economics (LPE) are listed below. Pre-approved cognates require submission of a request for cognate approval and count towards the two-cognate allowance for each student.
For students in the Sociocultural Anthropology (SCA) track, courses are not individually listed because any course with an ANT course number may be used to satisfy an SCA course requirement. Also not listed are ANT 390 (required for the LPE and SCA tracks) and ANT 300 and ANT 301 (required for all three tracks).
Lists by Term of Courses for Tracks
2024-2025 Spring pre-approved courses:
LPE Track | Law, Politics, and Economics
- ANT 256 Sensing Politics (also HUM 256)
- ANT 306 Current Issues in Anthropology: Law, Human Rights, and Politics in the Middle East
- ANT 342 The Anthropology of Law
- ANT 354 Digital Anthropology: Methods for Exploring Virtual Worlds (also HUM 373)
- ENV 458/ ANT 458 Environmental Technologies: Infrastructure, Ethics, and Society
- SPI 356/ ANT 353 Asylum: Policy, Politics, and Practice (also LAS 386)
- SPI 392/ ANT 363 Gangsters and Troublesome Populations (also AAS 369, URB 363)
MedAnth Track | Medical Anthropology
- ANT 206 Human Evolution (also AFS 206)
- ANT 239 Science and Other Ways of Knowing
- ANT 240 Medical Anthropology (also HUM 240)
- ANT 313 Language, Disability, and Science (also HUM 303)
- ANT 335 Psychedelics, Shamanism, and Plant Intelligence (also LAS 355, ENV 335)
- ANT 344 Masculinities (also GSS 419)
SCA Track | Sociocultural Anthropology
Any course with an ANT course number may be used to satisfy an SCA course requirement.
2024-2025 Fall pre-approved courses:
LPE Track | Law, Politics, and Economics
- ANT 201 Introduction to Anthropology
- ANT 214 Anthropology and Environment (Also ENV 214)
- ANT 223 Policing & Militarization (Also AMS 223/ AAS 224/ URB 224)
- ANT 264 Violence (Also HUM 264)
- ANT 299 People Centered: Doing Anthropology (EGR 299/ ENT 299)
- ANT 300 Ethnography, Evidence and Experience
- ANT 308 Empires of Debt
- ANT 311 Food, Culture, and Society
- ANT 333 Indigenous Futures: Health and Wellbeing within Native Nations (HIS 233/ AMS 432)
- ANT 362 Filming the Future of Liberation (HUM 386/ AAS 304)
- ANT 437 Gaming Blackness: The Anthropology of Video Games and Race (AAS 437)
- ANT 440 Gender and the Household (GSS 456)
- ANT 457 Anthropologies of Climate and Change (ENV 457)
MedAnth Track | Medical Anthropology
- ANT 201 Introduction to Anthropology
- ANT 261 Differences: The Anthropology of Disability (Also HUM 262)
- ANT 299 People Centered: Doing Anthropology (EGR 299/ ENT 299)
- ANT 300 Ethnography, Evidence and Experience
- ANT 305 Psychological Anthropology (HLS 305)
- ANT 311 Food, Culture, and Society
- ANT 333 Indigenous Futures: Health and Wellbeing within Native Nations (HIS 233/ AMS 432)
- ANT 339 Behavioral Biology of Women (Also GSS 323)
- ANT 457 Anthropologies of Climate and Change (ENV 457)
SCA Track | Sociocultural Anthropology
Any course with an ANT course number may be used to satisfy an SCA course requirement.
2023-2024 Spring pre-approved courses:
LPE Track | Law, Politics, and Economics
- ANT 325 Robots in Human Ecology: A Hands-on Course for Anthropologists, Engineers, & Policymakers (also MAE 347, SPI 384)
- ANT 342 The Anthropology of Law
- ANT 354 Digital Anthropology: Methods for Exploring Virtual Worlds (also HUM 373)
- ANT 363 Gangsters and Troublesome Populations (also AAS 369, URB 363)
- ANT 446 Nuclear Things and Toxic Colonizations (also ENV 364)
- ENV 460/ ANT 460 Climate Coloniality, Race and Justice
MedAnth Track | Medical Anthropology
- ANT 206 Human Evolution (also AFS 206)
- ANT 238 Human, Machine, and In-Between: The Anthropology of AI
- ANT 240 Medical Anthropology (also HUM 240)
- ANT 325 Robots in Human Ecology: A Hands-on Course for Anthropologists, Engineers, & Policymakers (also MAE 347, SPI 384)
- ANT 344 Masculinities (also GSS 419)
- ANT 360 Ethics in Context: Uses and Abuses of Deception and Disclosure (also CHV 360)
- ANT 446 Nuclear Things and Toxic Colonizations (also ENV 364)
- AMS 404/ ANT 414 Advanced Seminar in American Studies: Race and the Medicalization of Violence in America
SCA Track | Sociocultural Anthropology
Any course with an ANT course number may be used to satisfy an SCA course requirement.
2023-2024 Fall pre-approved courses:
LPE Track | Law, Politics, and Economics
- ANT 201 Introduction to Anthropology
- ANT 219 Catastrophes across Cultures: The Anthropology of Disaster (also ENV)
- ANT 263 Justice (also HUM)
- ANT 264 Violence (also HUM)
- ANT 314 The Anthropology of Development (also ENE, AFS)
- ANT 337 Queer Becomings (also GSS)
- ANT 437 Gaming Blackness: The Anthropology of Video Games and Race (also AAS)
- ANT 443 Indigenous Worldings (also LAS, ENV, AMS)
- ANT 461 Disability, Difference, and Race (also AAS, GHP, GSS)
- ENV 448/ ANT 448 Neoliberal Natures: Society, Justice and Environmental Futures
MedAnth Track | Medical Anthropology
- ANT 201 Introduction to Anthropology
- ANT 211 Surveillance, Technoscience, and Society
- ANT 219 Catastrophes across Cultures: The Anthropology of Disaster (also ENV)
- ANT 321 Anthropology of Mental Health (also GHP)
- ANT 339 Behavioral Biology of Women (also GSS)
- ANT 443 Indigenous Worldings (also LAS, ENV, AMS)
- ANT 461 Disability, Difference, and Race (also AAS, GHP, GSS)
- ENV 448/ ANT 448 Neoliberal Natures: Society, Justice and Environmental Futures
- Pre-approved cognate: GHP 350: Critical Perspectives in Global Health Policy
SCA Track | Sociocultural Anthropology
Any course with an ANT course number may be used to satisfy an SCA course requirement.
2022-2023 Spring pre-approved courses:
LPE Track | Law, Politics, and Economics
- ANT 203 Economic Life in Cultural Context
- ANT 214 Anthropology and Environment (also ENV 214)
- ANT 223 Policing and Militarization Today (also AMS 223, AAS 224, URB 224)
- ANT 245 Nuclear Princeton: An Indigenous Approach to Science, Technology and the Environment (also ENV 245, AMS 245)
- ANT 308 Empires of Debt
- ANT 311 Food, Culture & Society
- ANT 436 Theory from the Margins: Post- and Decolonial Theory In and Out of Anthropology (also HUM 436)
MedAnth Track | Medical Anthropology
- ANT 206 Human Evolution (also AFS 206)
- ANT 238 Human, Machine, and In-Between: The Anthropology of AI
- ANT 240 Medical Anthropology (also HUM 240)
- ANT 245 Nuclear Princeton: An Indigenous Approach to Science, Technology and the Environment (also ENV 245, AMS 245)
- ANT 311 Food, Culture & Society
- ANT 344 Masculinities (also GSS 419)
- ANT 403 Race and Medicine (also AAS 403, GHP 403)
SCA Track | Sociocultural Anthropology
Any course with an ANT course number may be used to satisfy an SCA course requirement.
2022-2023 Fall pre-approved courses:
LPE Track | Law, Politics, and Economics
- ANT 201 Introduction to Anthropology
- ANT 219 Catastrophes across Cultures: The Anthropology of Disaster (also ENV 219)
- ANT 244 #BlackLivesMatter (also AAS 243)
- ANT 264 Violence (also HUM 264)
- ANT 306 Current Issues in Anthropology: Liberalism, Racism & Free Speech
- ANT 440 Gender and the Household (also GSS 456)
- Pre-approved cognate: ENV 347 Field Seminar in Regional Environmental Politics
MedAnth Track | Medical Anthropology
- ANT 201 Introduction to Anthropology
- ANT 211 Surveillance, Technoscience, and Society
- ANT 219 Catastrophes across Cultures: The Anthropology of Disaster (also ENV 219)
- ANT 305 Psychological Anthropology (also HLS 305)
- ANT 339 Behavioral Biology of Women (also GSS 323)
- LAS 390/ ANT 392 Multispecies Worlding and Global Health Policies
- Pre-approved cognate: GHP 350: Critical Perspectives in Global Health Policy
SCA Track | Sociocultural Anthropology
Any course with an ANT course number may be used to satisfy an SCA course requirement.
2021-2022 Spring pre-approved courses:
LPE Track | Law, Politics, and Economics
- ANT 225 Debt
- ANT 227 Urban Anthropology (also URB 225)
- ANT 264 Violence (also HUM 264)
- ANT 311 Food, Culture, and Society
- ANT 342 The Anthropology of Law
- ANT 434 Postcolonialism: Theories and Critiques (also NES 434)
- ANT 440 Gender and the Household (also GSS 456)
- ANT 446 Nuclear Things and Toxic Colonization (also ENV 364)
MedAnth Track | Medical Anthropology
- ANT 206 Human Evolution (also AFS 206)
- ANT 240 Medical Anthropology (also HUM 240)
- ANT 311 Food, Culture, and Society
- ANT 331 Sensory Anthropology
- ANT 446 Nuclear Things and Toxic Colonization (also ENV 364)
- ENV 428 /ANT 488 The Body in Rain: Embodiment and Planetary Change
SCA Track | Sociocultural Anthropology
Any course with an ANT course number may be used to satisfy an SCA course requirement.
2021-2022 Fall pre-approved courses:
LPE Track | Law, Politics, and Economics
- ANT 201 Introduction to Anthropology
- ANT 219 Catastrophes across Cultures: The Anthropology of Disaster (also ENV 219)
- ANT 244 #BlackLivesMatter (also AAS 243)
- ANT 304 Political Anthropology
- ANT 314 The Anthropology of Development (also ENE 314, AFS 314)
- LAS 317 / ANT 317 Political Natures: The Politics of Nature and Development in Latin America
- LAS 324 / ANT 324 Battling Borders in the Americas
- ANT 337 Queer Becomings (also GSS 279)
- ANT 387 Anthropologies of Climate and Change (also ENV 387)
- NES 391 / ANT 391 Secularism
- ANT 453 Rituals of Governing (also AFS 453)
MedAnth Track | Medical Anthropology
- ANT 201 Introduction to Anthropology
- ANT 219 Catastrophes across Cultures: The Anthropology of Disaster (also ENV 219)
- GHP 350 / ANT 380 Critical Perspectives in Global Health
- ANT 387 Anthropologies of Climate and Change (ENV 387)
- LAS 390 / ANT 392 Multispecies Worlding and Global Health Politics
- ANT 426 We Were Never Alone: Multispecies Ecologies in the Anthropocene
- Pre-approved cognate: SLA 368 Literature and Medicine
SCA Track | Sociocultural Anthropology
Any course with an ANT course number may be used to satisfy an SCA course requirement.
2020-2021 Spring pre-approved courses:
LPE Track | Law, Politics, and Economics
- ANT 223 Policing and Militarization Today (also AMS 223, AAS 224, URB 224)
- ANT 227 Urban Anthropology (also URB 225)
- ANT 246 Native American and Indigenous Studies: An Introduction (also AMS 246, LAS 246)
- ANT 272 Intoxicating Cultures: Alcohol in Everyday Life (also AFS 272)
- ANT 319 Revolt (also NES 319)
- ANT 332 Culture and Power in China
- ANT 369 Reading Africa: Anthropological Approaches to the Continent (also AFS 369)
- AAS 302 /ANT 378 Political Bodies: The Social Anatomy of Power and Difference
- LAS 217 /ANT 397 Culture, Politics, and Human Rights in Latin America
- SLA 420 /ANT 420 Communist Modernity: The Politics and Culture of Soviet Utopia
MedAnth Track | Medical Anthropology
- ANT 206A Human Evolution (also AFS 206A)
- ANT 272 Intoxicating Cultures: Alcohol in Everyday Life (also AFS 272)
- ANT 305 Psychological Anthropology (also HLS 305)
- GHP 414 /ANT 376 Pandemics: critical perspectives on emergence, governance and care
- AAS 302 /ANT 378 Political Bodies: The Social Anatomy of Power and Difference
- ANT 403 Race and Medicine (also AAS 403, GHP 403)
- ANT 428 Myth-busting Race and Sex: Anthropology, Biology, and 'Human Natures'
- ENV 428 /ANT 488 The Body in Rain: Embodiment and Planetary Change
SCA Track | Sociocultural Anthropology
Any course with an ANT course number may be used to satisfy an SCA course requirement.
2020-2021 Fall pre-approved courses:
LPE Track | Law, Politics, and Economics
- ANT 201 Introduction to Anthropology
- ANT 231 Business Anthropology (also ENT 231)
- ANT 304 Political Anthropology
- ANT 337 Queer Becomings (also GSS 279)
- NES 391 /ANT 391 Secularism
- ANT 419 Race, Gender, Empire (also AMS 417, GSS 423, LAS 419)
- ANT 452 Alternative Economies: Before (and after) Growth
- Pre-approved cognate: LAS 313 Political Natures: The Politics of Nature and Development in Latin America
MedAnth Track | Medical Anthropology
- ANT 201 Introduction to Anthropology
- ANT 305 Psychological Anthropology - postponed to Spring 2021
- ANT 360 Ethics in Context: Uses and Abuses of Deception and Disclosure
- GHP 350 /ANT 380 Critical Perspectives in Global Health
SCA Track | Sociocultural Anthropology
Any course with an ANT course number may be used to satisfy an SCA course requirement.
2019-2020 Spring pre-approved courses:
LPE Track | Law, Politics, and Economics
- ANT 203 Economic Life in Cultural Context
- ANT 272 Intoxicating Cultures: Alcohol in Everyday Life (also AFS 272)
- ANT 306 Current Issues in Anthropology: Corporations and Society (also ENT 306)
- ANT 342 The Anthropology of Law
- ANT 363 Gangsters and Troublesome Populations (also AAS 369)
- NES 391/ ANT 391 Secularism
- ANT 405 Topics in Anthropology: Anthropology of Human Rights
- ANT 446 Nuclear Things and Toxic Colonization (also ENV 364)
- ANT 461 Disability, Difference, and Race (also AAS 364, GHP 461, GSS 461)
- Pre-approved cognate: LAS 218 Social Justice: The Latin American City
MedAnth Track | Medical Anthropology
- ANT 240 Medical Anthropology (also HUM 240)
- ANT 272 Intoxicating Cultures: Alcohol in Everyday Life (also AFS 272)
- EAS 312 /ANT 312 Mind, Body, and Bioethics in Japan and Beyond
- ANT 446 Nuclear Things and Toxic Colonization (also ENV 364)
- ANT 461 Disability, Difference, and Race (also AAS 364, GHP 461, GSS 461)
- Pre-approved cognate: CLA 231 Ancient Greek and Roman Medicine: Bodies, Physicians, and Patients
- Pre-approved cognate: SLA 368 Literature and Medicine
SCA Track | Sociocultural Anthropology
Any course with an ANT course number may be used to satisfy an SCA course requirement.
2019-2020 Fall pre-approved courses:
LPE Track | Law, Politics, and Economics
- ANT 219 Catastrophes across Cultures: The Anthropology of Disaster (also ENV 219)
- ANT 227 Urban Anthropology (also URB 225)
- ANT 231 Business Anthropology (also ENT 231)
- ANT 246 Native American and Indigenous Studies: An Introduction (also AMS 246)
- EAS 225 /ANT 323 Japanese Society and Culture
- ANT 309A Forensic Anthropology and Urban Bodies (also STC 310A, URB 309A)
- ANT 406 Theoretical Orientations in Cultural Anthropology: Conspiracy Theory and Social Theory
- ANT 453 Rituals of Governing (also AFS 453)
MedAnth Track | Medical Anthropology
- ANT 219 Catastrophes across Cultures: The Anthropology of Disaster (also ENV 219)
- ANT 309A Forensic Anthropology and Urban Bodies (also STC 310A, URB 309A)
- ANT 309B Forensic Anthropology and Urban Bodies (also STC 310B, URB 309B)
- ANT 331 Sensory Anthropology
- GHP 350 /ANT 380 Critical Perspectives in Global Health
SCA Track | Sociocultural Anthropology
Any course with an ANT course number may be used to satisfy an SCA course requirement.
2019 Summer pre-approved courses:
LPE Track | Law, Politics, and Economics
2018-2019 Spring pre-approved courses:
LPE Track | Law, Politics, and Economics
- ANT 223 Policing and Militarization Today (also AMS 223, AAS 224)
- ANT 319 Revolt (also NES 319)
- LAS 217 /ANT 339 Brazil-Africa: Critical Perspectives on South-South Networks
- AFS 205 /ANT 384 Religion, Politics, and Power in Africa and the Diaspora
- ANT 434 Postcolonialism without Colony: Marx, Subaltern Studies, and Ottoman Imperial Orders (also NES 434)
- ANT 446 Nuclear Things and Toxic Colonization (also ENV 364)
- ANT 461 Disability, Difference, and Race (also GHP 461, AAS 364, GSS 461)
MedAnth Track | Medical Anthropology
- ANT 215 Human Adaptation
- ANT 240 Medical Anthropology (also HUM 240)
- EAS 312 /ANT 312 Mind, Body, and Bioethics in Japan and Beyond
- ANT 360 Ethics in Context: Uses and Abuses of Deception and Disclosure
- GHP 304 /ANT 376 Reproductive Technologies and the Politics of Life
- WWS 375 /ANT 388 Gender and Public Health: Disparities, Pathways, and Policies
- ANT 405 Topics in Anthropology: AIDS in the Americas (also LAS 414, GSS 407, GHP 415)
- ANT 446 Nuclear Things and Toxic Colonization (also ENV 364)
- ANT 461 Disability, Difference, and Race (also GHP 461, AAS 364, GSS 461)
SCA Track | Sociocultural Anthropology
Any course with an ANT course number may be used to satisfy an SCA course requirement.
2018-2019 Fall pre-approved courses:
LPE Track | Law, Politics, and Economics
- ANT 219 Catastrophes across Cultures: The Anthropology of Disaster (also ENV 219)
- ANT 225 Debt
- ANT 232 Social Lives, Social Forces
- ANT 314 The Anthropology of Development (also ENE 314, AFS 314)
- EAS 225 /ANT 323 Japanese Society and Culture
- ANT 336 The Anthropology of Selected Regions: The Amazon (also LAS 384)
- ANT 363 Gangsters and Troublesome Populations
- LAS 307 /ANT 387 Social Justice and the Latin American City
- NES 391 /ANT 391 Secularism
- ANT 407 Ethnography of Law
- LAS 486 /ANT 486 Anthropology of Populism
MedAnth Track | Medical Anthropology
- ANT 219 Catastrophes across Cultures: The Anthropology of Disaster (also ENV 219)
- ANT 305 Psychological Anthropology (also HLS 305)
- GHP 350 /ANT 380 Critical Perspectives in Global Health
- ANT 442 Death, Aging, and Mortality: Cultural and Biosocial Perspectives
SCA Track | Sociocultural Anthropology
Any course with an ANT course number may be used to satisfy an SCA course requirement.
2017-2018 Spring pre-approved courses:
LPE Track | Law, Politics, and Economics
- ANT 203 Economic Life in Cultural Context
- ANT 319 Revolt (also NES 319)
- AAS 302 /ANT 378 Political Bodies: The Social Anatomy of Power & Difference
- ANT 421 The Resource Curse and Development in Africa (also AFS 320)
MedAnth Track | Medical Anthropology
- ANT 206 Human Evolution (206A or 206B)
- ANT 235 Medical Humanities (also HUM 235)
- EAS 312 /ANT 312 Mind, Body, and Bioethics in Japan and Beyond
- AAS 302 /ANT 378 Political Bodies: The Social Anatomy of Power & Difference
- ANT 405 /GSS 406 Topics in Anthropology: Queer Ethnography
SCA Track | Sociocultural Anthropology
Any course with an ANT course number may be used to satisfy an SCA course requirement.
2017-2018 Fall pre-approved courses:
LPE Track | Law, Politics, and Economics
- ANT 225 Debt
- ANT 309A Forensic Anthropology and Epigenetics in Urban America (also STC 310A)
- EAS 225 /ANT 323 Japanese Society and Culture
- EGR 385 /ANT 385 Ethnography and Wicked Problems
MedAnth Track | Medical Anthropology
- GSS 203 /ANT 243 Introduction to Global LGBTQ Studies
- ANT 309B Forensic Anthropology and Epigenetics in Urban America (also STC 310B)
- GHP 350 /ANT 380 Critical Perspectives in Global Health
SCA Track | Sociocultural Anthropology
Any course with an ANT course number may be used to satisfy an SCA course requirement.
2016-2017 Spring pre-approved courses:
LPE Track | Law, Politics, and Economics
- ANT 228 Urban Ecologies (also ENV 228, URB 228)
- ANT 304 Political Anthropology
- ANT 332 Power and Politics in Southeast Asia
- ANT 416 Anthropologies of Water (also ENV 416)
- SLA 420 /ANT 420 Communist Modernity: The Politics and Culture of Soviet Utopia
MedAnth Track | Medical Anthropology
- ANT 206 Human Evolution (206A or 206B)
- ANT 209 Making Gender: Bodies, Meanings, Voices (also GSS 209)
- ANT 360 Ethics in Context: Uses and Abuses of Deception and Disclosure
- GHP 300 /ANT 386 Gender and Illness Experience in the United States Today
- ANT 403 Race and Medicine (also AAS 403, GHP 403)
- ANT 416 Anthropologies of Water (also ENV 416)
SCA track | Sociocultural Anthropology
Any course with an ANT course number may be used to satisfy an SCA course requirement.
2016-2017 Fall pre-approved courses:
LPE Track | Law, Politics, and Economics
- ANT 207 The American Family in Law and Society
- ANT 314 The Anthropology of Development (also ENE 314, AFS 314)
- ANT 342 The Anthropology of Law
- ANT 404 Special Topics in Regional Studies – Infrastructures of Modernity in the Middle East (also NES 404)
- ANT 417 Labors of Consciousness: Culture, Capital, Moral Economy (also AFS 417)
MedAnth Track | Medical Anthropology
- ANT 215 Human Adaptation (also EEB 315)
- NES 361 /ANT 361 Bioethics, Sex and Society in Muslim Communities
- GHP 350 /ANT 380 Critical Perspectives in Global Health
SCA Track | Sociocultural Anthropology
Any course with an ANT course number may be used to satisfy an SCA course requirement.
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