As announced by memo posted on 3/30/2020, PDF–optional grading is available for Senior Theses and Senior Departmental Exams submitted to the Department of Anthropology in Spring 2020.
The University deadline to elect PDF grading is May 12, 2020.
This 4/20/2020 memo explains the PDF-election process that some students have recently sought to clarify.
- For Anthropology Senior Theses (ANT 984), letter grades will be available to students, if they ask, beginning at 2:00 PM EDT on Monday, May 11, 2020. Written evaluations will be available after May 13, 2020.
- To find out their letter grade, a student may make an appointment to speak to a staff member in the Anthropology Department. Students will be able to make appointments for this purpose through Bookings during the week of May 4-8, 2020. Calendar information will be sent to students on May 4. Appointment times will be available for May 11 both in the afternoon and early evening, and on May 12 in the morning, Princeton time. A student who is unable to schedule an appointment in one of the available timeslots should email [email protected] directly no later than May 8, 2020, to make another arrangement. For each appointment, students will state a preference for a telephone call, a Zoom meeting, or a chat by email.
- The Senior Departmental Exam in Anthropology (ANT 983) is a take-home essay scheduled for May 13-14, 2020. Students who wish to choose the PDF grading option for this exam must make their elections in TigerHub by the May 12, 2020 PDF election deadline.
- For determination of honors, the letter grades in ANT 983 and ANT 984 will be factored into the department’s calculation if it is beneficial to a student, regardless of whether the grades appear in letter format or as “Pass” on a student’s transcript.
Return to CV-19 updates for ANT Seniors.