P/D/F-optional grading has been approved for Anthropology Seniors as follows:
P/D/F-optional grading is available for all ANT courses in Spring 2020.
(See the announcement here for details.)
P/D/F-optional grading is available for Class of 2020 Senior Theses.
P/D/F-optional grading is available for the Senior Departmental Exam on May 13-14, 2020.
Students electing P/D/F grading for any work in Spring 2020 will be eligible for departmental honors.
Departmental courses elected for PDF-grading will be excluded from the honors calculation.
Senior thesis and senior departmental exam grades will continue to factor into the determination of departmental honors, regardless of whether a student elects P/D/F grade reporting or letter grade reporting.
For more information on the Department of Anthropology’s grading policy and calculation method for honors, see Majoring in Anthropology.
Whether a student has elected a P/D/F grading option is not disclosed to course instructors or faculty advisors and thesis readers. Normal letter grades will be assigned to senior theses and senior departmental exams graded P/D/F, and the normal letter grade, while not on the transcript, will be used to calculate honors.