Below, we list online and desktop software tools that you can obtain to create, collect and visualize your ethnographic data. Many of these are free and online tools. Starred items (*) are available in the VizE Lab computers.
Data Collection and Visualization
Apple Keynote and Numbers (presentations and spreadsheets)*
ArcGIS (GIS data mapping, also available in Princeton Library; PC only)
Canva (infographics)
Carto (spatial data mapping tool)*
Cmap (concept mapping)
Edraw (concept mapping and diagrams)
Data Visualization Catalogue (descriptions and functions for a variety of visualization formats)
Datawrapper (visualize data in charts and maps)*
Flourish (online data visualization and storytelling)
Gephi (data analysis and visualization)
Hotjar (online website behavior visualization) (infographics) (online data mapping)
Leaflet (interactive mapping)
LibreOffice (free office suite)
Mapbox (interactive mapping)
Mindnode (concept mapping)
NVivo (qualitative text and multi-media management, analysis and visualization)
Office (Excel, PowerPoint, etc.)*
OpenStreetMap (open data mapping sources)
OpenRefine (inspection and cleaning for tabular data)*
Palladio (mapping for relationships and networks)
Piktochart (infographics)
QGIS (GIS data mapping for MacOS)*
RawGraphs (online data visualization)
Saturate (collaborative data analysis)
Social Explorer (demographic data mapping)*
StoryMap JS (narrative mapping)
Tableau (data analytics using visualizations and mapping)*
Timeglider (timeline)
Timeline JS (timeline)
Timeline Storyteller (timeline environment)
Transana (text and audio-visual media management and analysis)
Venngage (infographics)
Voyant (text analysis and visualization)
Audio-Video Production and Annotation Tools
Adobe Premiere and Creative Cloud (licenses available through OIT, installed at some campus computer labs)*
Audacity (audio editing tools)*
Avid Media Composer (Mac and PC)
Final Cut Pro X (for Apple equipment)
iMovie (included free with Apple computers)*
InqScribe (transcription and note-taking)
Final Cut Studio 3 (Apple, no longer supported)
Movie Maker (free for Windows)
NVivo (qualitative text and multi-media management, analysis and visualization)
Transana (text and audio-visual media management and analysis)
Princeton Library Transcript Machine (transcribes audio and video recordings)
Online Training
VizE Lab Online Workshop in Remote Ethnography
Princeton Research Data Services Events
Data Management Training for Anthropological Researchers (AAA)
GIS Online Courses (PU Library)
Online training for a wide variety of tools and techniques for video and multimedia production is available at Members of the Princeton community with a valid netID have free access to this library at