
vize lab narrow banner

This page features visual projects by faculty and students in the Anthropology Department and across the campus that are supported by the VizE Lab. These works range from undergraduate theses to faculty research and networks of scholars from around the world. They also incorporate and combine a range of expressive forms and ways of knowing, from interpretive visual ethnography and documentary film to data visualization and mapping.


lend for projects


Shame on you project icon


du bois visualization toolkit


Student Debt Racial Disparities


pandemic portal icon


catarinas dictionary


men of steel


debt collection lab


torture letters


debt collection lab


built and social structures icon


My Nana's Home


listening as a radical act


digital food


the side unseen


nj families study


dignity and debt icon


never enough Mary


VizE Lab for Ethnographic Data Visualization
320 Aaron Burr Hall

Contact Us:  [email protected]