Miral A. Disi, '25


Miral Disi is a senior majoring in Medical Anthropology on the pre-med track. She is interested in advancing her knowledge on the various fluid definitions of care and the faults in the current biomedical system in not accommodating for all the specific needs of all the people it serves. With this, some of her favorite classes have taught her about the experiences of marginalized communities and their disconnect with the health system along with the history of medicine and illness. Miral holds great interest in pediatrics and oncology as well as in exploring a range of biological concepts that give scientific context behind the human phenomenon of illness and medical struggling. She has advised high school seniors for 2 years with Matriculate, is an Athena Hospice Volunteer, and a CLA for Forbes College. Across her studies, a common theme is to learn more about indigenous and refugee health and how factors such as how an underrecognized identity or the instability of place can influence wellbeing, from all aspects.