Degrees prior to starting this degree program:
B.S. Human Development (conc. Human Behavioral Neuroscience), Cornell University, 2019
M.A. Experimental Humanities, New York University, 2024
Areas of Interest:
Financialization and debt, Quantification, Love, sex, dating, and intimacy, Multi-site ethnography
Field Research Plans/History:
Jamie’s research focuses on intimacy within the “cultures of rationality” that have flourished alongside the proliferation of personal mobile technologies, algorithmically-governed digital platforms, and ubiquitous sociobehavioral data collection and analysis. Questions about the intimate life of prediction, debt, risk, investment, and choice are central to Jamie's research, as are questions about the role the "new behavioral sciences" play in constituting everyday life.
Prior to joining the department, Jamie worked as a research assistant in a neuroeconomics lab at Cornell. At NYU, Jamie convened a digital ethnography workshop for graduate students and faculty and maintains a strong interest in the granular exploration of ethnographic methods.
Membership/activities in graduate student events or organizations:
Institute for Public Knowledge NYLON (New York-London) Fellow 2023–