Hazal Hürman received her BA in Political Science and International Relations from Marmara University, Istanbul. She earned her MA in Political Science from Central European University, Budapest and MS in Sociology from Texas A&M University. Hazal’s research interests are situated at the crossroads of legal anthropology, political violence, post-coloniality and anthropology of children and youth. Broadly, she is interested in the ways in which penal and spatial configurations of state power affect the children of subaltern communities in internal colonies. Focusing on the disproportionate penalization of Kurdish children in the context of the re-intensification of state violence towards Kurds in Turkey, Hazal hopes to explore the ways in which state sovereignty is re/produced and challenged by meaning-making practices and counter actions of the children navigating between penal discipline and necro-politics.
Hazal Hürman
Anthropology Graduate Student