Aly Kassam-Remtulla

Vice Provost for International Affairs and Operations, Office of the Provost
Office Phone
300 Nassau Hall

Aly Kassam−Remtulla is Vice Provost for International Affairs and Operations, reporting to the Provost. As the University's senior international officer, he provides strategic leadership for the university’s global engagement.  Aly leads a team of 250 professionals across three continents that enables and facilitates international activities among faculty and students; supports and advocates for Princeton’s 3,300 international students and scholars; and manages the University’s global footprint, including the 48,000-acre Mpala campus in Kenya and the Princeton China Center in Beijing.  As part of his portfolio, he oversees the Davis International Center, the office of Global Safety and Security, international agreements with foreign institutions, and risk mitigation for global mobility, operations, and immigration.

Previously, Aly held appointments at Princeton in the offices of the executive vice president, vice president for campus life, dean of the Graduate School, vice provost for institutional equity and diversity, and vice provost for academic and budget planning. Beyond his administrative responsibilities, Aly is a faculty advisor for first-year and sophomore students in New College West and a lecturer in the Department of Anthropology where he teaches an undergraduate seminar.  He also co-founded and co-chairs the Faculty Advancement Network, a consortium focused on advancing diversity in the American professoriate.

Prior to coming to Princeton in 2010, Aly was a program officer at the MacArthur Foundation where he managed the creation of two new portfolios and awarded more than $60 million in grants.  He chairs the board of trustees of the United World College-USA and also serves on the boards of Allegheny College, Princeton in Africa, and Princeton in Beijing.

Aly was born in Kenya, raised in Canada, and attended Stanford University where he graduated with honors and with distinction.  He received an MSc, MBA, and PhD from Oxford, where he studied as a Rhodes Scholar.  His writing has appeared in WIRED Magazine, the Chicago Tribune, and the Philadelphia Inquirer.  In 2022, he was inducted into Stanford University's Multicultural Alumni Hall of Fame.