The Department is excited to announce a workshop series being held this Fall semester titled “Ethnographic Archivings.” This workshop series is designed and organized to build on graduate training on archives as object, method, and analytic. We reached out to academics within Princeton and beyond, across anthropology and in other disciplines, and are launching an exciting lineup of speakers and hosts for this series. Our goal is for graduate students in Anthropology to be able to learn how archives can be generative of several different modalities in anthropology, presented by experts who have or are working on this themselves.
The first session will take place on Friday, September 20, in a two-part workshop with Miqueias Mugge, Fernando Acosta-Rodríguez, and Ellen Ambrosone. The first half will focus on epistemic thresholds of archives and the second half will take place in the special collections of Firestone Library.
This workshop series was organized by Nikita Taniparti G2