On Friday, November 8th, anthropology graduate students convened for the fourth and final session of the “Ethnographic Archivings” fall 2024 workshop series. This workshop session was led by Diana Allan, Associate Professor of Anthropology at McGill University and currently a member at the Institute for Advanced Study. Professor Allan shared her latest film Partition, which is slated to debut at the Rotterdam International Film Festival in January 2025. Partition deconstructs cultural memory, archival authority and colonial history, bringing together interwar footage from British and Israeli colonial archives with contemporary audio recorded in Palestinian camps in Lebanon.
After the screening, we discussed questions around the politics of translation, visual refrain in documentary films, the asynchrony of visual and audio material, and the affective response to narratives of separation.
A complementary follow-up workshop with Elizabeth Ellis, Associate Professor of History at Princeton, and Ikaika Ramones, Assistant Professor of Anthropology at Princeton will be held in Spring 2025.
This workshop series was organized by Nikita Taniparti G2.